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We manage our suffering rather than coming to terms with it and moving through it.  Instead we manage our suffering.

There will always be suffering. We suffer when we don’t fully live through the present moment, feel the pain of it (if there is pain) and embrace it.  The East is teaching us that we, in the West, are experts at suffering management.  We stuff our suffering, go to therapy, eat, drink, complain, get mad at our families, run away, watch TV, shop more, or look for love in the wrong places. We don’t face our suffering head on and allow it to fill us.  We don’t want to feel it and stay with that pain.  Even old emotional charges, which are the residue of old suffering, need to be faced head on until they pass.  Westerners think the way to deal with suffering is to contain it and manage it.  That is not the key to living in joy and the way to fully experiencing life.

In the West, our minds are running our lives. Rather than being a work-servant to our lives, our minds are obsessed with the past and the future. We chose to allow old conditioning, and ‘autopilot living’ dominate our experience, rather than fully immersing ourselves in the present.  Also, we carry too many emotional charges and traumas. These charges become stuck in our koshas, the energy layers which cause us physical distress. To fix all this, we identify with our old stories, as well as our physical bodies instead of our spiritual selves, and wind up as seekers seeking everything from happiness to more pleasure, instead of seeking ‘essence.’

Also, we don’t know our own divinity and don’t feel connected. All suffering originates in the belief in separation. Sin is our belief in separation from God, the Good, in consciousness. Our salvation is now—not something that occurs after death. It happens whenever we turn our thoughts from fear, anxiety, worry and doubt to thoughts of love, harmony, joy and peace. The ‘fall’ that religion has frightened us with simply takes place in consciousness whenever we fall into negative habits of thinking. Heaven and hell are states of consciousness, not geographical locations. We make our own heaven or hell here and now by our thoughts, words and deeds. It would be great if we could release all these fears.

I hope you enjoyed this short article on being with ease with yourself. I’d love to hear from you, so please do share your comments and personal stories below.

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Every Blessing,

© Charlene M Proctor and The Goddess Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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