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Filtering life through “old programming” is such a widespread experience that many people feel they are living life unconsciously. Their reaction to current day situations stems from past behaviors or experiences that prevent them from living a full life.  Old programming is the carryover of emotional patterns. We inherit these patterns from culture and our families.

Negative statements like “you are not good enough” are examples. Religion is responsible for a lot of societal conditioning, as well as old traumas, dramas, or stories. This becomes a ‘knee jerk reaction to life’ and results in a person living on autopilot where every experience is filtered through old messages. A step toward personal growth is a willingness to release the past and chose the present moment, to a life that is filled with joy and awareness of what is. Being aware of life and just seeing reality for what it is is part of awakening to a full life filled with joy. Just see. See yourself clearly and situations for what they are.

To be consciously aware of the present and fully experience life—both good and bad—is to be fully engaged in life. Being present is the only way to find joy and see what’s in front of us. It doesn’t mean we can’t plan for the future. It means the past, in the form of resentments, unforgiveness, and old memories or old, negative feelings, does not help us with how to live today. So, part of your spiritual self-development is to be aware of when the past informs the present, learn to recognize old conditioning, and practice seeing the present for what it is.

© Charlene M Proctor and The Goddess Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For more affirmations, read The Women’s Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations that Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential.