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charlene proctor

I love writing books, but at this moment in my work, I’m branching out into different projects. I’ve been dancing a lot to show people that you have to live your joy.  It’s not enough to make a checklist about what you’re planning to do and follow a lot of theories that will get you there. You have to simply make a decision to do it, and claim what is yours. Take action. Remain open hearted and have an attitude of positivity. Quit analyzing, and just go for it.

Once you are committed, you must demonstrate to The Universe that YOU GET IT and practice joy in the present moment.  No matter what the activity, live your joy fully and wholeheartedly. Without doing this, you will miss the point in life. Joy and love are the highest vibrations.  It’s what we are all here to express. Joy is a conscious choice.

Since women are gatekeepers and facilitators, they are good at serving others and creating strong connections in business and families. But women tend to put joy aside in favor of generating families, prosperity, relationships, and making certain everyone’s needs are met but their own. Additionally, what pushes joy aside is dwelling in the past, the #1 joy inhibitor. Regularly revisiting old traumas and negative emotions and experiences prevents personal growth and makes for unconscious participation in life. By the time many women are in their 40’s and 50’s, they feel like over ripe tomatoes on the brink of explosion. Not a good place to be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

To feel empowered to create a life of joy, and be true to yourself, honor what YOU love to do. It is an expression of your deeper self. Have courage to put the past aside and everyone’s needs aside to dedicate time to yourself. When you achieve a healthy balance, you will be able to rejuvenate and replenish the energies that keep you engaged and creatively productive.

There are three ways to get closer to experiencing joy that Katana Abbot and I will be talking about on Smart Women Talk Radio this month:

1. A step towards personal growth is releasing the past and staying in the present moment. Practice life as a joyful exercise in the present. You’ll be glad you did.

2. Spirituality is how much joy you have in your life.

3. You can create the life you choose. It takes clarity and passion. Be consistent.

Join me on September 16th 2014 to talk about “Choosing Joy” on the Smart Women Talk Radio show! If you missed the show you can hear the interview here.


© Charlene M Proctor and The Goddess Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
For more affirmations, read The Women’s Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations that Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential.

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