About Charlene
The Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor is the founder of The Goddess Network, an on-line educational resource for topics on spiritual growth, positive thinking, consciousness, and unity. Charlene inspires people to rediscover their own ability to lead authentic lives. Currently, she is a weekly empowerment expert for Lifetime Television’s The Balancing Act, offering a spiritual perspective on everyday life to millions of viewers. She also offers advice on SelfGrowth.com and Beliefnet.com, the world’s largest personal-growth web sites. Her affirmations, lectures, and electronic programs reach a worldwide audience daily. She is a frequent media guest and among the Top 100 Thought Leaders of 2007 (Warren Bennis Leadership Magazine).
She is the author of the bestselling book Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking. A recipient of the coveted IPPY award for one of the best books in 2006 addressing women’s issues, Let Your Goddess Grow! has inspired many readers. Charlene is also the author of The Women’s Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations That Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential.
Radio shows across the U.S. have featured interviews with Charlene, including The Good Life Show with Jesse Dylan on Sirius Satellite, Sunday Brunch with Jim Harper at Magic 105.1, The Big Story with Lloyd Jackson at WJR, Sunday Magazine at Multicultural Radio (Associated Press), Between the Lines on Shadow Broadcast Services (distributed to two thousand stations), The Aware Show at KPFK Los Angeles, the international XZone, and many others. She is profiled in The Courage Code, an award-winning book featuring stories of women who are making a difference in the world.
Charlene is a tireless community supporter and has designed empowerment workshops for women living in transitional housing shelters who have been homeless or victims of domestic violence. Through her experiential learning programs, she has taught many women how to live with more confidence and grace. Avon Corporation and Lighthouse/PATH have generously supported her work.
An ordained Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, Charlene holds a PhD from the University of Michigan. She is a certified blessing giver and oneness trainer from the Oneness University in Fiji and India. Charlene is dedicated to awakening individuals from all walks of life to the magnificence of their own divine gifts. In her free time, she enjoys ballroom dancing and can be seen competing at many national events throughout the year.
For keynotes and speaking engagements, please contact her at 1-866-888-4633 or 1-248-322-1400. Email her at via her contact form. Please also visit https://charleneproctor.com/blog.

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The Oneness Gospel | Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in You
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We are all one with God. We are all one with each other. But how can we embrace these simple truths in our everyday lives?
Many Indian teachers, as well as Jesus, have offered this insight and encouraged us to open up to our own potential. In her revolutionary book, bestselling author Charlene M. Proctor, PhD, unites spiritual wisdom from the East and West to help readers experience Christ consciousness in the here and now. Combining the Oneness teachings of India with a fresh look at the New Testament, she gives profound but practical advice on releasing your emotional suffering, shifting disorder to order in your personal life, and embracing the present moment. Through ancient and contemporary wisdom and personal stories, you’ll expand your heart and mind and awaken to your eternal nature.
These teachings are interfaith and apply to all religions and creeds—they show that God exists within every individual and that everyone is already part of the divine unity. Above all, The Oneness Gospel guides you toward higher self-awareness and a more authentic experience of your own nature. Continue reading more about The Oneness Gospel here.