Caring for a Sick Child
Moments of Empowerment, a collaborative project with Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor and
Books For Africa

At Books For Africa, education is the great equalizer in the world, and books are the foundation of a strong educational system. For many children in Africa, books are a gift of hope. Most have never owned a book of their own and in classrooms,10-20 students share one textbook. Books For Africa gives containers of books to rural school libraries, orphanages, adult literacy programs, and community resource centers. Charlene is helping to forward the culture of literacy and empowering the next generation of parents, teachers, and leaders in Africa by donating books
Operation Paperback

Operation Paperback is a national, non-profit organization, whose volunteers collect gently-used books and send them to American troops overseas, as well as veterans and military families here at home.
Audio Book

What if you viewed every challenge in your life as an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth?
Now more than ever, as the world becomes increasingly complex, you need to find meaning in chaos, disappointment, difficult family relationships, and work stress. Changing your perspective on everyday problems is a matter of self-discipline and awareness of the divine spirit within you! These affirmations help train your mind to consciously create the life you desire. Seven power lessons and 323 affirmations make it easy for you to hone your self-image into a beautiful, triumphant gem.
Hammer On!

Joyful living includes a healthy body. Read Endurance News Magazine and get recipes, special offers, tips for athletic success, and real stories of perseverance and triumph. It’s inspiring and free! Use referral code 195122 to save 15% on any Hammer product!
Book Trailer

Positive change at the level of consciousness is to re-imagine your own divinity and feel one with humanity. It begins when you release your suffering and emotional charges and learn to embrace life in the present moment.
Book Awards
Award-Winner in the 'Best New Spirituality book' category of The 2012 USA Best Book Awards
Award-Winner in the 'Religion: Christian Inspirational' category of The 2012 USA Best Book Awards
Award-Winner in the 'Religion: Christianity' category of The 2012 USA Best Book Awards
Award-Winning Finalist in the 'Best Cover Design: Non-Fiction' category of The 2012 USA Best Book Awards, sponsored by USA Book News
Silver Nautilus Award for Spirituality/Religion in the Western Tradition

Charlene is the best-selling author of The Oneness Gospel, Let Your Goddess Grow! and The Women’s Book of Empowerment. She is a frequent guest author and media guest, teaching people to search within to create a personal journey to joy. An ordained Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, and a blessing giver trained by the Oneness guides from Fiji and India, she helps awaken individuals from all walks of life to the magnificence of their own gifts.
Her book The Oneness Gospel: Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in You won a Nautilus Award for its contribution to global awakening and interfaith approach to seeking truth.