A Reader Asks, “What is Christ Consciousness?”
Recently I was asked to explain my concepts around Christ Consciousness relating to my newest book, The Oneness Gospel (2010): Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in You.
read moreRecently I was asked to explain my concepts around Christ Consciousness relating to my newest book, The Oneness Gospel (2010): Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in You.
read moreRussill Paul is an inspiration to experience and he’s returning to Metro-Detroit on August 20-21st.
read moreSummertime brings us together. And being together is a joyful gift! Last week, Tom and I gathered with dear friends to watch fireworks and laugh about old times.
read moreIn the current economic conditions, many people are worrying about how change will trickle down into their personal lives. If a daily exchange of fear, blame, or doom has replaced your daily affirmation, you need to say yes to the goodness life has to offer and build an attitude of gratitude.
read moreRev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor discussing the importance of the present moment and how the journey truly begins where you are.
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