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Moments of Joy and Empowerment

This month’s Pro-Am Spotlight is the Reverend Doctor Charlene M. Proctor who tells us how to take the positive path, in the ever changing world of ballroom dancing.  In 2015, she was a U.S.D.C. National Rising Star Smooth Champion and an Ohio Star Ball Rising Star... read more

Protect Yourself from Negativity

Tonight will be a rare blue moon. It occurs only once every 2 ½ years. Whenever there are two full moons in a calendar month, the second one is called a “blue moon.” Even though many would argue there is no correlation between a full moon’s impact on our behavior and... read more

Are You Mentally Strong?

Whether you are an athlete, in the middle of a health crisis, or just having a bad day at work, there are times you’ll need to pull strength from your inner core. Finding that extra energy that gets you where you need to go is a skill you can develop through... read more