Photo: Charlene with her 50th Birthday Cake. The Lotus Flower on top was made of molded White Chocolate and symbolizes growth of spirit and renewal in many cultures.
Last week, I turned fifty and loved every minute of it.
There’s nothing like entering the half-century club especially when you know the sun is at its highest point in your birth chart. Because the sun returns to the place it occupied at your birth, astrologers say it is a glorious, feel-good day (mine made extraordinary with best friends and too much cake.) Many positive vibes come along for the ride on your birthday. It’s the start of your own personal new year where we can direct positive change because we naturally have energy.
We feel the most productive around the months surrounding our birthday, and for the meticulous, practical, and diligent Virgo it is good news all around – we can reset our meter and put our lives back in order as long as we are tuned into self-love and awareness. Birthday energy is a huge blast of confidence. It helps with changing our minds, especially with better ideas regarding our own health and where to draw personal boundaries. We can mentally and emotionally straighten up and fly right. Our personal lunacy, like stopping self-criticism and worry, can be dropped in favor of a new direction taken at work and home. For Virgos, this endeavor usually revolves around efficiency (I humbly admit to my innate compulsive-neatness disorder) and can finally laugh with an open heart as I rearrange my desktop for the 10th time in a week.
For women, the difference between pre- and post-fifty is poise. We spent our twenties wondering who we were; the thirties were about laying a foundation for our choices, everything from having children to careers. Our forties? Most likely, our kids again took center stage and we squeezed out time for classes, additional degrees, building wealth, and learning about what makes the opposite sex tick (hopefully I got that one right, having lived with three men all these years – my husband and two sons.) We gave birth, saw death, fell in and out of love with people, music, money, organizations, political parties, and food. We steered through countless mercury retrogrades and stopped feeling compelled to check the horoscopes because we knew those were times to let change set the tone. Trying to comb your hair during a wind storm just doesn’t work – and the phrase “this too shall pass” became our mantra of quiet confidence in God and the stability of the universe.
Turning fifty has nothing to do with age and everything about blooming. We rock on in our fifties because we are empowered by so much life experience, a jubilant place to dwell. No longer bothered with where to exhibit our artwork, we just do. No matter who shows up, it is one more person inspired and uplifted. On all fronts, the older we get, the bolder we get, from fashion to parenting young adults, and we quit wondering about panty lines, waiting in line, or lining up with the status quo. We bloom where we are planted!
In this growing season, I will continue my research and writing about the Oneness teachings from India and Christ Consciousness. I can hardly wait to share my new book with you! Please be sure to hear our new audiobook on Let Your Goddess Grow! now sold at Kosmic Music. This fall, I’ll keep you updated on new events from The Goddess Network and the Oneness Community. And, if YOU are entering the half-century club, don’t forget to drop me an email and tell me what it means to you. I’d love to share your wisdom and wit with our list!
~Blessings, Char