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Veteran’s Day Prayer

Dear Ones: Today let’s recognize the sacrifices others have made to allow us to know freedom and safety. While we know war is not the answer to the issues of peoples or nations, let us bless our veterans who have endured bloodshed and war. Today, let’s open our hearts... read more

Yoga by Sunrise

A few years ago, my husband encouraged me to relax and escape the Michigan winter without any responsibilities. The Universe sensed my need for rest and recuperation from too much work. That evening, a friend telephoned me about a notice that had been posted at her... read more

Giving the Oneness Blessing or Deeksha

When I give a blessing, or deeksha, I feel the receiver’s emotional state. I can feel that person’s pain instantly because I am already tuned into my own ability to generate compassion. I listen to a person’s heart, feel it, drop any preoccupation I have with my own stories or dramas.

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What is Oneness?

Oneness is a congruent, timeless teaching that already has a long shelf life. No matter where it originated, the practice of spiritual peacemaking and embodiment of pure love leads to awakening.

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Get to Know God through Gratitude

Nobody can achieve their greatest aspirations and sustain them for any length of time without being well-aligned with God’s intelligence. But if we directly and consciously align with divine intelligence by first recognizing it within ourselves, we can succeed. We live within a responsive universe whose nature is to keep us evolving, moving, and flowing through all forms of life.

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