by Charlene Proctor | Sep 29, 2010 | Joy
I am excited to celebrate with friend Linda Joy, publisher of Aspire Magazine, today as her book, A Juicy, Joyful Life: Inspired from Women who have Found the Sweetness in Every Day launches to the public!
Recently I was honored to complete the foreword for Linda’s new book. Here’s a peak! Be sure to order your copy today.
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by Charlene Proctor | Sep 26, 2010 | Joy
Doug Bentley, a Oneness Guide from The Oneness University in India, recently told me a marvelous story I want to share with you. In 2005, while he was at work in Washington, D.C., he watched an internet video of an American woman sitting in southern India at a festival held for spiritual teachers to display their work.
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by Charlene Proctor | Sep 24, 2010 | Spiritual Growth
One day in Fiji, in the Namalé dining room, I sat in a cushy chair and comfortably overlooked a generous, green mountain range. In the distance, I saw the Koro Sea. A friend of mine and I were relaxing, and talked about a spiritual program session we had attended just hours before.
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by Charlene Proctor | Sep 21, 2010 | Spiritual Growth
Be Peaceful Today, September 21, is the day declared by the United Nations General Assembly, as the International Day of Peace, a day devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples. Join me in extending... read more
by Charlene Proctor | Sep 17, 2010 | Positive Thinking
Oprah has taken an interest in people who had vision boards that produced positive and abundant change in their lives. On February 11, 2007, after the February 8th airing of the The Secret with James Arthur Ray and Michael Beckwith, I sat myself down and spent the entire day creating a vision board of my own.
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by Charlene Proctor | Sep 15, 2010 | Oneness
Relax, affirm, and awaken with Rev. Dr. Charlene M. Proctor!Join her for daily deeksha/oneness blessings, meditations, and oneness teachings in the some of the most sacred sites in Mexico. Many of us are looking for ways to get to know the Divine and feel the joy of being alive and connected with every being. For spiritual seekers, opening the mystical door through practices, such as breath awareness, meditation, yoga, dancing, prayer, and being with nature helps create a sense of openness to the unity, or oneness of all humanity, no matter our wisdom traditions.
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by Charlene Proctor | Sep 9, 2010 | Affirmations
I am inviting you to be part of the Unity World Day of Prayer. Please join me in the flow of abundant blessings and my heart-felt desire to vibrate peace. If we do not change our vibration, then who will? If not now, then when? We must become that which we desire to see in the world.
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by Charlene Proctor | Aug 20, 2010 | Spiritual Growth
Many enlightened beings have pointed out that we look everywhere for God but never find him until we look inside. Finding God inside seems too simple, too improbable. But the kingdom of God, which we also call heaven, is not a place in another galaxy far, far away. It is within us, and it’s a completely accessible state of attunement containing all the qualities we ascribe to God: wisdom, bliss, love, and a higher-level vibration.
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by Charlene Proctor | Aug 12, 2010 | Prosperity and Abundance
Recently I’ve unearthed a number of amazing seminars and presentations on creating an empowering life. Abundance seems to be a timely topic and so I felt this presentation just may support you in achieving a prosperous August! Enjoy and be sure to share with those who may need a bit of inspiration!
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by Charlene Proctor | Jul 26, 2010 | Spiritual Growth
Pierre Pradervand asks this question in “The Gentle Art of Blessing: A Simple Practice That Will Transform You and Your World.”
I am currently reading this wonderful book that explains how we can make a conscious choice to bless every person or being around us. Blessing others makes a positive difference! Blessing another individual is to acknowledge the divine light within him or her and their beauty that is hidden from material eyes; it is to hold in reverence a person’s potential and to behold with awe that which is a gift from the Creator.
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