Deeksha (a Sanskrit word meaning “benediction” or “initiation”) is delivered when a giver, who has the intention of being a conduit for God’s healing grace and is in a state of divine union, becomes a channel for cosmic energy. The deeksha giver places his or her hands on the recipient’s head for a few minutes and the energy is transferred. Deeksha can be used to bless a person and pull grace into their body for healing purposes.
A deeksha giver’s healing potential is directly proportionate to the power of their will. Great spiritual masters have control of their will and can project healing rays though their hands, feet, and eyes. A healer can lay their hands upon another person (each hand represents either a positive or negative pole), and the hands produce some exchange of magnetism from the energy within. But this alone is not sufficient in healing power. Healing is consciously generated and directed through a person’s hands. It is intelligent life-force energy and is most effectively directed by will. It is an alignment of a person’s will with Divine will. Grace comes through the healer who serves as a conduit. It is impossible to be healed by a person who thinks he or she is doing this type of healing. A deeksha giver is merely a vehicle for grace to come through and be transferred to another. The most skillful healers are ones who know they are big pipelines for grace and do not let their egos interfere. They always understand the source of the healing which is the “I Am” presence. They attribute the healing to the Divine through which all good works are accomplished.
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