Today, September 21, is the day declared by the United Nations General Assembly, as the International Day of Peace, a day devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples. Join me in extending your light to the world, and to set an intention for peace.
Remember, peace begins within. It begins with YOU, the individual. Collectively, we cannot manifest a peaceful world when we are in pain, suffering, or living with a judgment mindset. To demonstrate peace, we must become the idea of peace. It must vibrate within our very soul and be expressed in our spoken and written words.
Today, I’d like you to focus on inner peace, and expressing soft and beautiful speech. Feel peace from your heart! Daily Word’s affirmation on inner peace is perfect to align yourself with these ideas.
Affirmation: Inner Peace
The peace of God fills my heart.
A river rushing downstream tumbles over rocks and flows around fallen logs. It is a busy current of power and energy. But deep below the surface the water is calm and quiet, gently lending strength to the bustling activity at the surface.
Deep within me is a center of peace–a quiet strength that gives me the power and energy to pursue my dreams. When I pray, I draw on the peace within me. I trust in the strength and stability of God’s indwelling presence.
Although outer circumstances may appear tumultuous, my strength comes from the center of my being where the peace of my soul is undisturbed.
Be well, my friends, and be at peace.
Every Blessing,