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Do you want better relationships, a better job, and have prayed for positive change with little or no results? This is the second part of my series on prayer. Emmet Fox, a New Thought minister from the 1940’s, taught that focusing on God first produces results. This series helps you understand Emmet’s spiritual essay The Seven Main Aspects of God from his book Alter Your Life.  These lessons are timeless and have helped many people tune into God on a regular basis.

Let’s continue to think positive and put your energy in the right place!

The Second Aspect: God as Truth

God is Truth. If men or women were truthful, they would express the characteristic of truth.  We might say, “this person is truthful” or “that person is honest and tells the truth and speaks the truth.” But the nature of God is absolute truth. God is limitless and all-knowing. God is not truthful, but is truth itself.  There can only be one truth.  Absolute truth is unchanging and is truth itself.  Truth is not a statement or idea we have about what is right or wrong. It is not a point of view, dogma, or belief system.  Truth is an aspect of God, and is part of his nature.

Some things you experience may seem truthful or people may say they speak the truth on any number of things, but how do we know for certain?  There is no way to really know. Many things can be true or not true, according to your point of view. An individual can express their truth in certain situations or make decisions which they feel are true.  We can make ‘speaking our truth’ a priority in our daily lives, and do our best to see the truth the best we can.  But there is still only one truth. God is absolute truth at all times, in all places, and in all circumstances.

When you think about the nature of God as truth, send truth to an individual or situation and healing will happen. If you embrace divine truth, and pour it into any condition, the condition will resolve itself.  Then, you can release your worries permanently about that condition.  Without worry, fear, or doubt you can release that condition and be free of it.

As humans, it is not possible to know the absolute truth about any problem or condition. Instead, we must rely upon God as our agent of truth.  However, God is more than an agent. He doesn’t bring truth or create truth and dispense it like a judge or law enforcement officer. He is truth itself. All we can do is meditate on the aspect of truth, as it is in God, and see truth in that being or situation.

Daily Practice: Truth

  1. Think of a subject you want information about. This can be an individual, a business deal, or a relationship where things are not going well.  It can be any situation where there is a misunderstanding and you feel you may not have been given a clear set of facts. It could be an arrangement where you need more information, such as signing a contract or, starting a new business with someone. It could be an existing relationship where you are not sure that person is telling the truth.
  2. Take a few moments to get quiet and think about the nature of God as Truth. Think about God as the one channel that projects truth and is all knowing about everything and everyone. Affirm that God is truth itself, and wherever there is truth, there is God.
  3. Claim that divine truth dwells in you and the person or situation that you are concerned about. Claim that divine truth is expressed through that individual and you.
  4. If you have a troubling situation, see truth where you see trouble.
  5. Have confidence that the truth will reveal itself. Be thankful.  Know that you will be led to the right information or situation. Be aware.

Successful Prayer

In your mind, send truth to anyone or any situation that is troubling you.  Pour truth into a negative condition you are currently experiencing. See truth in the troubling person or relationship, and know this is one of the aspects of God. This is a form of prayer. It is an aspect of God. Claim in within yourself and know that God works through you.

Think about life and truth regularly. Meditating on these ideas will produce results.  You will be led from misunderstandings in relationships, or even in business, to a time where facts will be brought out or dishonesty exposed. Believe that necessary information will come to you effortlessly, and troubling situations will correct themselves.  Be patient.

Change happens first in your mind.  After that, all else will follow!


In Love and Light,

© Charlene M. Proctor, Ph.D. and The Goddess Network, Inc., 2017.  All Rights Reserved.
For more affirmations, read The Women’s Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations that Change Everyday Problems into Moments of Potential.









